Justine’s Boudoir & Disco Ball Session

      “I wanted to give my DJ boyfriend a really cool gift, so I called up Mark. I brought records, headphones, and a disco ball to the session, and we made magic! He loved them!” – Justine L.  Justine arrived at her boudoir and nude photo session with a bold vision and some very unique props. […]

      20 Pro Selfie Tips

      Usually, we are talking about the great boudoir and nude photos we create for women. Today, we thought you might like some help when taking your own images. So, the tips and tricks for the perfect selfie are here.  Selfies are ubiquitous nowadays to show off where you have been, what you are selling and […]

      Mythical Mermaids

      A mermaid glides past my lens, her hair flowing weightlessly in the water. Her tail, a dazzling five feet-long with a three-foot fin, moves hypnotically. She turns her head, smiles . . . and I have the shot.   At first glance, it might seem unusual for a Calgary Boudoir and Nude portrait studio to feature […]

      boudoir image from inner spirit photography, Mark Laurie, black and white image with color

      Radical Black & White Boudoir

      Boudoir and nude portraits rarely draw inspiration from skyscrapers. Yet, it happened. An architecture photographer was taking me through his technique of turning nice but kinda bland colour photographs of skyscrapers. The transition was stunning, powerful fine art transformations. As I watched each step dramatically altering the images, most were counter-intuitive intuitive, giving a bizarre […]

      two angels, evil and good.

      Lianna – a Different Angel

      Lianna enjoys her dark side. Her boudoir nude portrait session revealed that slightly twisted part of her personality. She came to our Calgary studio to indulge her more off-beat personality.  Inner Spirit Photography is the perfect place for her to safely explore and express her quirky take on things. Her mischievous smile always gave you […]

      Motorbike chopper "Slayer" with Adrienne

      The Chopper “Slayer” Session

      Slayer is not just any bike; she’s a masterpiece. With her oversized chrome-coated engine and award-winning design, Slayer commands attention. My studio is usually all about boudoir and nude photography, but today, Slayer takes center stage. We will still mixed in some glamour, nudes and boudoir photography. Every bike show she’s entered, she’s claimed the […]

      winged woman yelling holding sword. for Inner Spirit Photograph blog.

      Every Woman Is A Warrior

      Some Really Embrace It! The 1950s stereotype of what a woman should be has been replaced with a more empowering vision of what she could be. Boudoir and Nude portraits of women were not a thing yet. Today’s woman is complex, dynamic, and unapologetically a warrior. Can you imagine how a Calgary studio like Inner […]

      before and after boudoir photo by Mark Laurie of Inner Spirit Photogpraphy

      Alison Tells Her Story

      Alison was wonderful to photograph. She had come in for a mix of boudoir, lots of nudes and some glamour or beauty. She had searched through all of the boudoir photographers in Calgary before settling on Inner Spirit.  Alison had been here before but then as the support person for her friend. Checking out other […]

      boudoir image of two women over 70

      Can You Be Too Old for a Boudoir Session

      Can You Be Too Old for a Boudoir Session Spoiler – It’s a Myth! There is no age when you are too old for a boudoir session. Here are some stories to my point. First, on her 70th birthday, Verona came in for her first boudoir session. I have photographed Verona and her family for […]

      Finally Revealed – Which Photo Session Delivers The Most To You!

      Watching the reactions of clients experiencing boudoir and nude portraits over 45 years, I have learned a few things. The bolder the photography experience, the more profound and transformative the emotional impact. As you move from regular portrait sessions to glamour, boudoir, and finally to elegant, expressive nude photography, you can feel these escalating changes. […]