to Charity
in Business
why we only do nude, boudoir, & beauty photography

There’s profound power in pivotal moments to change someone’s life for the better. These are the moments you point to years later, saying, “That’s when everything changed for me.”
Most pivotal moments happen spontaneously — you go through an unexpected breakup, you receive a new career opportunity, you meet someone who changes your life.
But some pivotal moments can be consciously conjured.
Amid a time when you feel lost, stuck, or just a little blah, you can shake up your perspective and alter your life or mindset for the better ...

…by doing something bold and vulnerable, something you’ve never done before, challenging limiting beliefs about yourself...
...Something like: nude, boudoir, & beauty photography.
After working with more than 5,100 women, Mark has witnessed thousands of such pivotal moments occur, seeing women go from nervous and withdrawn to bold and powerful … within the span of their session.
That’s why at Inner Spirit, we strongly believe in boudoir and nude photography as a self-discovery journey. It’s so much more than the photograph.
If this resonates with you, you’re in the right place.

meet mark laurie
MPA, SPA, M.Photog, Cr.Photog, F/PPOC, F/SWPP
International Photoartist | Speaker | Writer
Mark believes that women are extraordinary and deserve unique images to express who they are. That’s why he is constantly seeking to add more creativity to his work.
He also deeply understands how vulnerable this experience can be, so he infuses encouragement, emotional support, and compassion into every photography session.
In addition to running Inner Spirit, Mark is the host of the Fascinating Women podcast and the creator of the Her Body Speaks project.
When he’s not behind the camera, he’s probably hiking around Alberta with his wife, Jan, and his cat, Lucy. (Well, admittedly, getting Lucy to hike is still a work in progress…)

meet mark laurie,
your boudoir photographer

It’s Mark’s intuition and emotional presence with clients that makes the Inner Spirit Photography experience life-changing.
Mark offered the first nude & boudoir photography studio in Calgary and remains the best. His imaginative portraits expand beyond the typical “lingerie and satin sheets” boudoir. Mark’s creatively passionate presentation of women has earned him the honour of being the most awarded photographer in his niche in Canada. Possibly North America.
It is common for his clients to be thrilled to have gained much more than breathtaking images. They discover a sense of reconnecting with themselves. And their images become reminders of their beauty, courage and resilience.
Be it for a fun adventure or a much deeper need, your experience with Mark will touch your soul while showcasing your breathtaking beauty, all through his talented skills.
He’s not alone, an incredible team of women, along with Jan, his partner and wife, makes your time with Mark exceptional.
awards & certifications
In the Professional Photographers of Canada (PPOC):
- Master of Photographic Arts (MPA)
(only 2 photographers in Canada have earned more than 13 bars) - Service of Photographic Arts (SPA)
- Fellow of PPOC (F/PPCO)
- Yousuf Karsh Lifetime Achievement Award
- Photographer of the Year
- 37 Accreditations
- Featured in Loan Collection Books
- National Accredited Judge
- National Convention Speaker
In the Professional Photographers of America (PPA):
- Master of Photography Degree (M.Photog.)
- Photographic Craftsman Degree (Cr.Photog.)
- Featured in Loan Collection Books
- Instructor
In England, the Society for Wedding & Portrait Photographers (SWPP):
- 4 International Photographer of the Year Awards
- Fellowship Award (F/FWPP)
- National Accredited Judge
- National Convention Speaker
In the world photographic cup (WPC):
- World Cup Judge
- Team Canada Judge
- Mexico Judge
Additionally, Mark is honoured to have been…
- The recipient of hundreds (yes, really!) of trophies for Figure Study, Portrait, Experimental, and more
- The Photography Reality Show Best of The Best – Winner & Judge
- The host of the TV series Inner Spirit Photography Presents
- In Wikipedia Celebrity Profile
we go beyond just sexy photos
Our name, Inner Spirit, reflects how deep we go.
Inside is where your beauty truly shines from.
Your power, vulnerability, humour, spirit.
This is what we reveal.
We celebrate your Inner Spirit.

meet the inner spirit team

Jan Howells-Laurie
Partner & Office admin
Jan is the behind-the-scenes person who helped build Inner Spirit. She has done makeup, hairstyling, and retouching in the past. Now, she may be the first friendly face who greets you when you arrive.

Fran Williams
Expert retoucher, printer, and operations manager
Fran gives your images breathtaking polish. She retouches, enhances, and custom prints every image. She has been Mark's right hand for 22 years now, with 36 years in the industry. Few can come close to her skills and care.

Adrienne Furrie
Makeup artist and hairstylist
Adrienne has worked with the top stylists and photographers in North America for over 20 years. Her comforting approach complements her tremendous makeup skill and hairstyling. She is our warm-up act giving you your first rush of confidence.

Melody Kielek
Body paint artist
Melody is one of the best body painters in Alberta. She has been commissioned all over the world. Besides her awesome creative paint skills, she is warm and engaging. She will keep you amused and relaxed as she transforms your body into art.

Bonnie Sullivan, Ph.D
Registered Psychologist
Bonnie gives you tools and experience depth in the Beyond Empowerment sessions, Bonnie is a Registered Psychologist, her Ph.D. is from Palo Alto U. California. She is the core supporting and enhancing Inner Spirit client's emotional & mental health growth. Inner Spirit Photography is the only studio with a Psychologist on board.
what you might not know about inner spirit...

We were Canada’s first photography studio to exclusively offer boudoir photography, founded in 1980.

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, Mark trained 90% of the boudoir photographers in Canada (boudoir photography is much different from wedding or family photography and requires specific expertise!).

Psychiatrist Dr. Brown at the Calgary General Hospital did a medical white paper studying the mental health benefits of Mark's nude and boudoir work.

The Voyager 3 space mission has 3 of Mark's images on board . . . in space!

Disney World's Epcot Center opened with Mark's Silver body painted nude as part of their celebration.

Our Inner Spirit Sprite flying over our logo is our icon. She represents confidence, freedom, beauty, fun, and playfulness, but she has also been known to be a bit mischievous at times!

Mark has published 4 photography books, and 1 poetry book in title Pages Of Man.

Your pivotal moment awaits...
Take the Leap. We'll catch you!
Feeling insecure about your body can keep you from feeling confident and sexy. A boudoir photography session is a great way to start feeling more comfortable in your own skin. When you see yourself through a photographer's lens, beautiful and sexy, it will change the way you see yourself forever. You'll be able to look back at these photos years from now and still feel confident and empowered.
yes, i want to take the leap →