about mark

mark laurie

Mark offered the first nude & boudoir photography studio in Calgary and remains the best. His imaginative portraits expand beyond the typical “lingerie and satin sheets” boudoir. Mark’s creatively passionate presentation of women has earned him the honour of being the most awarded photographer in his niche in Canada. Possibly North America.


I Have Walked On Fire!

I Have Walked On Fire!

I have walked on fire.

I believe in the benefits of breaking through comfort zones.

My boudoir and nude photography clients experience the rush of breakthroughs in every session I do. 

I admit I’ve gotten used to it; I still love it. 

Emily, though, had not seen it. She was assisting me with a water set shoot. She watched in stunned amazement as she witnessed our client’s transformation. 

This blog is not so much about that but an insight into me. 

My whole life has been pushing against my comfort zone. That warm fuzzy place that often is at the pinnacle of my current success. I get restless because of my pushing habit. 

I believe it makes my photography better when I can relate to the nerves a client experiences in the arc of her journey with us, which creates her transformation. 

I have had a lot of breakout moments, but the most profound one was walking on fire. 

Imagine this: I am at a training camp. On Fire Walk Day, we get up before the sun and watch the fire being lit. 

It was spectacular. The wood is piled 4 feet or more high, covered in accelerant. A torch ignites the start of the long pile of lumber. There is a roar as the accelerant explodes in flames. The flames dance 6 feet and higher. In seconds, the whole wood-covered path is engulfed. 

“That,” our transformation leader gestures to the inferno, “is what you will be walking on tonight.”

It burns all day. An hour before midnight, we lined up beside the path of glowing embers. That pile of flaming wood was now several inches thick of red-hot coals; small flames would pop up randomly like fire sprites. 

The row of people gathers along the path. Excited, nervous, and anticipating; all the emotions are there. Some have walked before, telling us how cool it is. Most, like me, have never walked nor been this close to a fire path. 

My turn comes up. I am standing barefoot, in shorts. The path of red-hot coals runs 40 feet, but right then, it looked like it went forever.

I turned to the woman getting me in place for directions, tips; anything to help. 

“Just walk at a steady pace, don’t stop, and look down. It is fascinating to watch.” She gave me a nudge. “Off you go; people are waiting.”

So off I went; she was right. Watching your bare feet crunch into the coals is mesmerizing. Happily and amazingly, there was no burning sensation. 

Suddenly, I am walking on wet grass. What a rush!

You can feel yourself change; you feel bigger, ready to take on other challenges. The experience instantly makes you feel bolder.  

And a little special. Few people have walked on fire; more are terrified of it. Yet, I did it. 

It would not be the last, but there is power in the first walk. 

My boudoir and nude session clients tell me they get the same feeling from their first session.

I think fear enters us because it is the unknown we face. The mind does not like the unknown. I suspect it is a survival instinct hard-wired in the ancient reptilian brain. 

Blank brown paper design vector

Firewalking was the most dramatic comfort zone breakout experience. It is not the only one. 

I have had steel-tipped wooden are pressed into my throat until it broke; I still have the splintered arrow. There was such a rush when it broke. It floods over you. 

I have had an 8-foot steel rebar nestled into that little dip in your collarbone at the base of your throat. The other person does the same, and then, on the signal, you run towards each other. To hesitate will hurt you and the other partner. 

Remarkably, the rebar bends until we are so close we can touch each other. I cut off a length to keep it as a reminder of that one. 

Then there was fire-eating. My beard was a bit bushy at the time, which worried some people because it could catch fire if I missed my mouth. There comes a moment when you lose sight of the flaming end of the stick as it enters your mouth. 

I did not miss my mouth. I thought the flames could have used some salt, though. 

When we launched our Body Fire add-on, it seemed like a natural evolution for our clients. It is over-the-top bold for many of our clients.

Going nude or in skimpy lingerie is often a big enough step.

All of these require stepping outside of one’s comfort zone. The advantage or reward of this action is a reset that affects one’s entire life. 

I can relate to the women who come in for their boudoir or nude sessions. Like most things women do, they usually have multiple reasons or hopes for coming in. One is usually changing their lives, in their confidence, empowerment or body embracing. Or a mix. 

I have experienced the arc of emotions they will. I believe it helps that I do.