about mark

mark laurie

Mark offered the first nude & boudoir photography studio in Calgary and remains the best. His imaginative portraits expand beyond the typical “lingerie and satin sheets” boudoir. Mark’s creatively passionate presentation of women has earned him the honour of being the most awarded photographer in his niche in Canada. Possibly North America.


Lianna – a Different Angel

Lianna – a Different Angel

Lianna enjoys her dark side. Her boudoir nude portrait session revealed that slightly twisted part of her personality. She came to our Calgary studio to indulge her more off-beat personality. 

Inner Spirit Photography is the perfect place for her to safely explore and express her quirky take on things. Her mischievous smile always gave you the feeling she either knew something you didn’t or was about to do something you weren’t expecting. 

Lianna loves considering the flip side of things. So naturally, when it comes to her fascination with angels, it has a twist. She likes both dark and light ones, for different reasons. Although, I suspect, the tattered dark angel wings she brought in for her session seemed like a more expressive opportunity. 

She added body painting to her session. She loved the transformation it gave her but had no idea what that would be. Brainstorming ideas, we quickly settled on the concept of a demon-feel to her painted character. She decided on red and gold with black veins or cracks as a base idea and left the rest up to the painter. 

Melody, our body painter, created some amazing art from our vague description. The matching set was our stone ruins and, for some images, smoke for the mood.

But I am getting ahead of myself. 

Before that pinnacle of her session was the burgundy satin bedroom set. It’s the most sensual of our bedroom options. She paired high-heeled, highly polished black boots with lace leggings and topped them off with a black lace topless corset. This alluring outfit quickly replaced her suggestively sheer baby doll set. 

She was playful, mischievous, sensual and suggestive. 

She then slipped quickly into the white satin set, wearing a white lingerie top, her raven hair adding drama to the delicate bedroom set. While Lianna started with demur expressions and poses, she could not resist being naughty in the delicate set. It did not take long for total boldness to take over. 

Before we started with the wings in the Bad Ass Back Alley set, she posed what she renamed our brothel set. I think the deep red with a florentine pattern on the wall that triggered the title. 

She dug into her shoe bag to triumphantly find her 5-inch spiked glass slipper heels; set off, she decided, with fishnet stockings and a latex bra. She was having the time of her life!

I was not sure if she was playing up a character or just being herself. With that Mischievous part of her emerging, it was hard to tell. What was not hard to figure out was how much fun she was having. 

Now, what she had been building towards and excited about was the dark angel. She did not want an evil angel waiting to emerge. She was looking for a lost or despairing angel. In our back alley set, she embodied that feel with small black, tattered wings and faded ripped blue jeans. 

She looked like an old soul, worn at the edges, lost a bit, trying to find some hope. It was an expression of herself far removed from the woman being sensuous on the bed. The music selected for just this mood drifted sadly from the studio speakers. It was melancholy, filled with the loneliness she wanted to explore. 

Then, still in the alley, she changed wings, changed music and changed outfits. Our huge white wings replaced the little black ones. A barely sheer white nightgown that went to her ankles covered her now. She didn’t change her mood drastically; it was a subtle shift. 

When Melody arrived, she became excited about the transformation to something a little more evil, or with flexible morals, as she expressed it. 

She barely noticed how long the painting took because she was mesmerized by her body’s transformation. She mentioned it was like she was disappearing with an alter ego materializing. 

Being body painted, you feel like you are dressed. 

We shifted to darker, more dramatic lighting, building on the mood of her new character. Of course, in post-production, we did a few magical things. Her wings came on towards the end. 

Our stone ruins became the perfect set to express this side of her. 

Fantasy in the sky by DV Morghana

As you can see from the portfolio images of this blog, it is a very dramatic and different type of session than the first series. 

The moodiness of her images hid the fun she was having. She would joke and fool around before snapping into character. 

As you can tell, our sessions are tailored to our clients’ visions and personalities. I guess that is my joy and why I have been doing this for so long. Each woman brings different visions, body types, and styles, which keeps it interesting and fresh for me. 

While the light angel/dark angel may be a bit extreme for you, Lianne’s session showcases how expansive the boudoir/nude portrait session options are.

What is your vision for an amazing session?